We’ve always thought the idea, and I’m stressing the word idea here, behind interchangeable bags, the QVC handbags that come with different covers to change the look and style of the bag, was essentially a good one. Who doesn’t want two bags for the price of one? Unfortunately when it comes to execution and style, it’s clear interchangeable and cool are two words destined to never meet in the world of handbags.
Angel Jackson bags, designed in the U.K. by sisters Katie and Millie Smith, merge superior craftsmanship, quirky edgy details and ethical values to create a range of eye-popping handbags. The line is produced in Bali where the design duo oversees fair pay, health care, and education advancement policies for their workers. This winter, Angel Jackson wows us with their flamboyant handbags infused with gold hardware, sequins, bold prints and hues.
Clyde designer Dani Griffiths has made a name for herself designing some of the coziest knit and crochet cold weather accessories. However, for Fall/Winter’12 the Brooklyn-based designer is adding millinery to her expanding repertoire with a gorgeously crafted collection of chapeaux. These amazing classic velour felted toppers add the chicest finishing touch to any look.
Jewelry doesn’t get any bolder, stronger and in-your-face than the avant-garde pieces by Giuliana Mancinelli Bonafaccia. The young Italian jewelry designer who studied architecture and home design incorporates her sculptural point of view to her edgy hand-crafted collection. The Rome-based designer works with uncoventional materials like the chemical compound ruthenium black to play with texture and add a stricking lift to her pieces.
If you’ve recently spent anytime on street-style blogs, chances are you’ve noticed that baseball caps are popping up on style-setters’ heads from NY to Paris, and everywhere in between. The baseball cap is the new sought-after headgear in fashion circles. The off-duty hat has been getting the high-fashion treatment since designers like Kenzo and Karen Walker featured it in their Spring 2012 collections.
The knee high-boot is fall’s comeback kid. Once a star player in every woman’s wardrobe, the knee-high boot was swiftly demoted to the back of the closet when the ankle bootie came around. We’d pull them out on occasion, but let’s face it: while it may be a classic shoe, our attention has been focused on shorter styles.
JADEtribe’s accessory designer Kimberly Hartman spends a lot of her time traveling. This summer alone the New York based and Texas-born Hartman was in Marrakesh working on her first ready-to-wear collection, attended market meetings in L.A., spent weekends in Montauk, Long Island, stayed in Thailand for a month working with her weavers and sewers to fabricate her signature boho handbags, and she also managed to squeeze in a trip to visit friends in Spain and Ibiza. |
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